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Holding a Book

angus disciple institute
Select sunday nights
5pm - youth room

Next class: Sept 8th - Biblical Finance & Budgeting

Fall Semester: Marriage & Family, Apologetics, Natural Science & the Bible

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equipping the saints to live for Christ

We offer a learning environment that will help strengthen your faith and walk with God. We will have local pastors, leaders, and professors walk through curated topics that will deepen your understanding of Scripture and how to LIVE out the call as followers of Christ. 


Not only can you come and learn each of the 9 months that a class is taught, you also have 2 avenues to receive a certificate of program graduation, for those looking for something deeper. There are 8 core classes and 1 flex class taught at Angus each year. Upon attending all 8 core classes and a flex class you will receive a certificate of training.


Further, you can take part in a partnership with Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary where FREE "For the Church" courses are offered online. Alongside select Midwestern courses and the Angus Disciple Institute classes, you will be able to meet with our pastors in a 2-3 year program where, upon completion, you will receive graduation and training certificates from both Midwestern Seminary and Angus Church. Also, you will receive continuing education credit from Midwestern.


So, whether you are a casual learner attending a given topic on Sunday night or one looking to deepen your overall learning (and adding a little something to the resume along the way)  these are lessons our pastors believe are valuable for EVERY believer. 




Training on how to more effectively study the Bible


Biblical Finance

What does the Bible say about finances and how does that help us live our day to day lives?



You hear all the time that you should share your faith. This will train you HOW to do so effectively in your daily life.


How to Spend Time with God

Learn how to have a real and intimate relationship with God. 


Gender & the Bible

What does the Bible teach about gender and how do we approach living in a culture that sees things differently?


Reliability of Scripture

Teaching on how the Bible is a perfect, and trustworthy book, not just by our standards but even by the world's.



Learn about the truths of Christianity and how to reach and connect to those of other beliefs.


Natural Science & the Bible

How do we process scientific discovery and the Bible? Dinosaurs? Neanderthals? Evolution? Come learn!


Marriage & Family

We aren't all married but we all have a family. Learn about God's design for family and how to glorify Him in yours.


Flex Classes

Each year we will offer a new flex class. Be on the lookout for more info!

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4401 S. 129th W. Ave.

Sand Springs, OK 74063

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