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Here are some answers to questions you may have about Angus; who we are and why we do things the way we do. Have a question you don't see answered online? Send us a message. We would love to talk!

why are you named angus acres baptist church?

We love us some cows! Just kidding (no offense to the cows). The church building is located in the area in Sand Springs known as Angus Acres. While it may have been filled with cattle in the past, now it is a beautiful and growing area with neighborhoods, ministries, playgrounds, and an elementary school (Angus Valley Elementary!). Our name lets you know where our building is located within the city. 

are you a southern baptist church?

Yes we are! We are rooted in the beliefs of the Southern Baptist Faith and Message 2000, and are excited to be in partnership with fellow SBC churches and ministries. We support the Oklahoma Baptists, North American Missions Board (NAMB), International Missions Board (IMB), as well as many other incredible ministry partners. Together we are on mission to reach the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

what is your preaching style? Why?

Our primary style of preaching is verse-by-verse, exegetical preaching. Those are fancy words that mean that we preach line by line through a book of the Bible, teaching what it means in context. We look to apply those truths to our lives as we learn about God and who He created us to be. By having this as our standard, we avoid the problems seen in other styles; skipping tough passages, missing important verses, and teaching the pastors ideas/opinions instead of the Bible. 


We will occasionally do a topical series as the Lord leads. This may be seasonal (Christmas/Easter) or directly related to life in the church body. 

why are the lights dimmed during praise & worship?

We sing praises to the Lord together when we gather. This time is meant to be a group of believers (the church) singing TO God, praising Him. Sometimes we can be self-conscious of others around us seeing and hearing us (not everyone is a great singer) as we praise the Lord. By dimming the lights and setting the volume of the praise team at a level where it covers us, all people can be comfortable praising God however they feel led. We want to ensure the environment encourages everyone to engage in worship. This helps in that goal.

what happens in a typical sunday morning service?

Our entire service is meant to worship God in a variety of ways. We see in Scripture how God desires to be worshipped and have ensured we are pleasing Him during our services. A typical service will include worship through prayer, praise, preaching, testimony, response, and giving. These are all for God, not for man or for show. You can see a service on either YouTube or Facebook to give you a better idea of what they look like.

what's the difference between pastor/elder/minister?

The Bible gives great instruction on the offices of the church (positions not rooms). We see that there are 2 offices within the church; elders and deacons. The Bible actually uses multiple words for that same position of elder. Those words are elder/overseer/bishop/pastor/shepherd. These are all talking about the same role. We call that the pastor. They are the God-called and qualified leaders of the local church. There are also deacons who are called to serve the church in an official office. The Bible also makes clear that we are ALL ministers of the Gospel, called to the Gospel Ministry. At Angus, we call some staff positions Ministers as they lead in their area of service. These are vital roles and high callings but are not the same as pastors/elders.

All these positions are equally important before God and necessary to do what God has called us to do!

sunday school/small groups/discipleship...?

There are many different names for small groups these days. What they are meant to be is largely the same. The Bible is clear that we are to gather together, fellowship, sharpen one another, and be in life together. At Angus, there are 3 primary ways we do this. First, is church-wide worship (Sunday morning/night services). Then we go a little more relational in smaller group settings where we can have open discussion and be more intimate (5-15 people). We call these small groups. We have some on Sunday mornings at 9a (Sunday School) and some during the week (both at the church building and in people's homes). Lastly, we have small, personal discipleship. This is where a few people (2-5 usually) are in very close and personal disciple-making relationships. Here you are really holding each other accountable, sharpening one another, and training to make disciple-makers. 

what types of songs do you sing?

We believe there are great worship songs from many different generations. On Sunday mornings we play primarily contemporary praise songs, but regularly add in songs from the past, including hymns. During our Sunday night services we primarily sing from the hymn book. The most important thing is not when the song was written but that it is truly praising God!

what are your thoughts on kids/youth ministry?

The Bible is clear that children are incredibly valued by the Lord. They are equal in His sight. Not only that, we see that they are open to the Gospel, and are often much more willing and able to learn biblical truth than even us adults. We teach kids the Bible using age appropriate methods and know they can serve and love the Lord just like the adults. 90% of people are saved before they turn 18, and when they are saved they receive the same Holy Spirit as everyone. He is the same to all; there is no junior Holy Spirit. You will see our kids and youth serving in all different areas of our ministries from running sound and being on the praise team, to serving on the welcome team and teaching younger kids!


We have classes on Sunday morning and Wednesday night for kids and youth. Sunday mornings at 9a there are classes for infants, preschoolers, kinder-5th graders, and youth (6th-12th grade). Each class has a Bible-based lesson built for that age group. Also, during our 10:30a service the kids 5th grade and under have classes in our children's building. On Wednesday night from 6:30-8p we have kids ministry for grades Kinder-5th and youth group for grades 6th-12th.

so, what should i wear to church?

We have people wearing everything from jeans and a nice t-shirt to others in dresses and suits. We want to come dressed appropriately to honor and worship the Lord but definitely are pretty casual. God is much more concerned about our hearts than our clothes. We aren't real worried about clothes either. We just ask that you wear some when you come!

do you have formal church membership?

When we read the Bible, we know that people knew what church they were a part of. More than anything, their home church was where they attended and served. We do have formal membership, in which you can join our church officially. You can talk to a pastor about that. We can talk to you about what the Bible says about being plugged in, but the core is faith in Christ and a commitment to this local church body. More than anything, it is important that we are on the same mission together. Come worship with us and serve with us!

have more questions? contact us below

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4401 S. 129th W. Ave.

Sand Springs, OK 74063

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