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The Hand and the Heart

Jordan Stowe

I think most people have found themselves in a situation where they wonder or question what God is doing. Why is He doing this? Why is He allowing this to happen? What is the purpose here? 

That oftentimes comes in difficulty. Health issues that seemingly have no answer. Pain that won’t go away. Loss that seems without reason. Troubles that seem without cause. 

I am no stranger to these moments. My house burned to the ground when I was 16. I lost almost everything from my childhood. I have lost loved ones. My 4 year old cousin. My 4 month old nephew. Loved ones that died so young. 

In these moments, even those of us that believe in the Lord can struggle. Why is the hand of God doing this, allowing these things to happen?

I once heard a great piece of advice in these times. I was out visiting an incredible older woman who was dealing with constant and severe pain. She was a faithful follower of Christ, someone many looked up to and had been discipled by. I was with another pastor, a mentor and friend, Paul Taylor. While we were all sitting in her living room and this warrior of Christ was sharing her pains and struggles Paul said this line:

“When we question the hand of God, we can trust the heart of God.”

Simple. Powerful. Truth. 

There are many times we go through things we don’t understand. We hope for answers but are not guaranteed them. Sometimes in those moments we question the hand of God. We can’t see the good He promises He can bring about in all things for those who love Him. But the promise is still true. 

In those moments we can reflect on and remember the goodness of God. His heart for His children. All the things He has done for us and for so many others for thousands of years. In that time of reflection one thing is abundantly clear: God has a heart for His people. 

We see it all through Scripture. God loves His people and does what is best for them even when they don’t understand it. His love for them is greater than we can even understand or imagine. We are part of those that He loves. 

In the moments of pain and loss where I can’t seem to find a reason, where I question the hand of God, I can remember that line. I remember that God has overwhelmingly proven the nature of His heart for me. He loves me more than I know. He loves my family more than even I do. 

That helps. 

So when you find yourself in a similar situation, wondering why and not seeing a reason, remember the advice from my friend. When you question the hand of God, remember you can trust His heart.

He knows and desires what is best. One day it will all make sense. I can trust God.


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