Pastor Mike preached through the beginning of Matthew 4 on Sunday, looking at the temptations Jesus faced. In the 3rd temptation Pastor Mike brought up a very important and humbling question, “What is your price?”
He was talking about the price tag we place on our faithfulness. What would it cost to get us to stop being faithful and obedient to God.
The devil offered Jesus the kingdoms of earth (as if Jesus didn’t already possess everything) in an attempt to get Jesus to sin and follow him. Jesus perfectly responded with the truth that we are to follow God alone, and that there is no price on His faithfulness.
Pastor Mike then lodged the question, “What is your price?”
I don’t know about you but this hit me hard. There are some things that I am hopeful I have no such price, like being faithful to my wife. However, the reality of my life is that there are many areas where I do have a price, and it is embarrassingly low.
When I am trying to take care of this body God gave me through eating right and exercising, a simple box of donuts outside my office is often all it takes to buy me off.
When I am trying to spend additional time at night reading or studying, a simple click of a button that starts that next episode on TV is my price.
When I am trying to be a better husband and do more around our house, all it takes is a reminder that my wife doesn’t know I am trying to be better so she won’t be disappointed if I don’t do extra today.
My price is often embarrassingly low. Add a hard day at work or a rough night of sleep and it is like I am running a huge sale on my faithlessness, “50% off the cost to get me to be lazy and selfish if you act today!!!”
God often asks us to do things that are hard. And while they are considered hard because of the power of our flesh, they are indeed often hard for us to follow through on. The devil is always there to offer an easy way out.
We love easy ways out.
So, consider what Pastor Mike asked on Sunday. What is your price?
What will it cost to get you to give up on your marriage?
What will it cost to get you to indulge in gluttony?
What will it cost to get you to stop attending church?
What will it cost to get you to stop sharing your faith?
What will it cost to get you to stop following Christ?
Let’s work to take the price tag off our obedience. May we get to the place where we are not for sale, because we have already been paid for by the King of Kings!
One thing of which I am certain is that following Christ will bring the best possible life to us. Let’s see the goodness of God when we remove the price tag!